
Niam Supports the Launch of SAO Jobs to Help Young People Enter the Workforce

Niam Supports the Launch of SAO Jobs to Help Young People Enter the Workforce Image

Access to the Swedish job market is still influenced by where you live, who you know, and your family background. To help address this, we are proud to support the launch of SAO Jobs together with our tenants at Väsby Centrum, creating opportunities for young people in areas facing socioeconomic challenges. This initiative not only provides young people with a stronger start in working life but also reinforces Väsby Centrum’s role as a meeting place for inclusion and community.

Niam is proud to contribute to the development of Study motivating work life orientation (SAO - Studiemotiverande arbetslivsorientering) in Sweden. This model builds on traditional work experience programs (PRAO) but instead of unpaid internships lasting 1–2 weeks, it provides 8th-grade students with paid work opportunities in collaboration with schools. The goal is to create pathways into the job market and enhance study motivation for young people in areas facing socioeconomic challenges, who may lack established professional networks.

Through SAO jobs, students are offered a paid position, working two hours per week. The model aligns with the Swedish Work Environment Authority's (Arbetsmiljöverket) guidelines for young workers and has been developed by the non-profit initiative Nästa Generation Sverige in collaboration with schools and labour market stakeholders. Participation in the program is linked to improved school attendance and engagement.

In spring 2025, the first 100 students from the schools Väsbyskolan in Upplands-Väsby and S:t Olofsskolan in Sundsvall will have the opportunity to work through the SAO model. The long-term goal is to evaluate, refine, and expand the initiative across Sweden. As the owner of the shopping centre Väsby Centrum Niam is actively involved in the initiative, coordinating efforts with the shopping centre’s tenants to provide seven job opportunities for students at Väsbyskolan. In addition, Niam covers half of the salary costs to support the program.

Niam will continue to support the program’s expansion to new locations and aims to more than double the number of job opportunities at Väsby Centrum for future 8th-grade students at Väsbyskolan.

At Niam, we support this initiative with the goal of contributing to a sustainable community in and around Väsby Centrum—one built on inclusion and opportunity. This is only possible thanks to the engagement of all facilitators involved and the determination of these incredible young people who step out of their comfort zones to take the opportunity. We encourage other companies to partner up and look forward to expanding our involvement in the years ahead,” says Ulrika Lööf, Niam

"We are proud to have so many strong and long-term partners joining us in offering SAO jobs in Sweden. Our goal is to establish SAO as a standard approach to breaking social exclusion among young people in all areas facing socioeconomic challenges. To achieve this, we need employers with the courage and capacity to open the doors they have the power to unlock," says Evin Cetin, founder of Nästa Generation Sverige.

For more information about SAO, visit Nästa Generation Sverige’s website:
