
Meet Thomas Fiskerstrand

Meet Thomas Fiskerstrand  Image

Thomas Fiskerstrand, Associate Director, Niam Norway

Thomas Fiskerstrand is an Associate Director at Niam, based in the Oslo office in Norway. His primary responsibilities involve acquisitions and the transaction process, including deal sourcing, analyzing opportunities, overseeing due diligence processes, and ultimately closing deals. In addition to these tasks, he manages the majority of the dialogues with the banks concerning loans and financing solutions in Norway.

Inspired by Niam's remarkable track record

I was introduced to Niam through my prior job at Nordea. I worked closely with Niam, and it was through this partnership that I became intrigued by Niam's impressive track record in the Northern European real estate market. As I got to know various individuals within the organization it became evident there were a lot of skilled people within the company, and that was something I wanted to be a part of.

The best thing about Niam is being able to work alongside such a talented and capable team. It's in our DNA to lift each other across all departments. The company is large enough to encompass diverse perspectives, yet small enough for everyone to play a significant role. This gives you a sense of appreciation, and feeling valued within the organization.

It's in our DNA to lift each other across all departments.
Thomas Fiskerstrand, Associate Director, Niam Norway

One aspect that stands out for me is Niam's commitment to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. We have a culture that not only encourages individuals to give their best when required but also ensures a rewarding experience beyond work commitments. I find great value in Niam's dedication to environmental and social responsibility, as well. The company consistently incorporates green initiatives in our properties and seeks to take an active approach in social developments within nearby communities. This commitment resonates with me on a personal level and adds to the overall appeal of being a part of Niam.

A time of both challenges and notable progress

I've been a part of the Niam team for almost three years now, and this period has been particularly interesting, especially within the realm of the transaction process. Undoubtedly, the past two years have presented their fair share of challenges. However, I truly believe that we have done a solid job navigating these unsteady waters, whether it may be through our transactions or value creation within our existing portfolio. With that said, these difficult times will present unique opportunities for Niam. With our highly skilled team, reliable experience  and outstanding performance in hand, I believe the next coming years will be immense. 
In terms of highlights within the company, it's impossible not to mention our conference trip to Hopfgarten near Kitzbühel last year. The conference brought together all 100 Niam employees, and together we worked on our values and corporate culture. In addition, we had some really nice days on the ski slopes – a perfect opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange experiences.

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To be a part of something bigger

We’ve maintained such a strong track record since the company’s inception, decades ago, which shows persistence and dedication. Sustaining this success requires consistently delivering results, and the fact that we have done so for multiple decades speaks volumes about our organization.

Being part of an entity with such a history is not only uplifting but also instills a sense of responsibility in me. I genuinely want to guard our position, uphold the reputation we've built, and actively contribute to the delivery of solid returns for our investors. 

Niam provides all the tools necessary to excel in your career within the real estate market. You can assume as much responsibility as you desire. Whether you opt for a substantial role right from the start or choose to initially observe and progressively take on more responsibilities. You can grow within the organization.

Sustaining this success requires consistently delivering results, and the fact that we have done so for multiple decades speaks volumes about our organization.
Thomas Fiskerstrand Associate Director, Niam Norway

Plenty of room to grow 

Since I joined Niam, we've expanded our scope to include Nordic infrastructure and sustainable credit solutions. Today, we're more of a complete real asset management hub. Being part of Niam means diving into various market segments, which adds an interesting twist but also positions us to handle whatever the future throws our way, which ultimately makes us more resilient. 

I want to further grow within my role and the company. I feel very confident and comfortable where I'm at right now, but there's always room to grow here. I learn new things daily, whether it's here in Norway, or through my interactions with the other Nordic countries. All my needs have been satisfied at Niam concerning my goals and career aspirations, I find that unique and I truly feel at home.

In Norway, our team consists of just four employees. Despite our small size, we share a fantastic camaraderie, pushing each other while enjoying a good time together. Collaborating with such skilled individuals is not only fun but also highly motivating. The collective team spirit, coupled with a strong work ethic, creates a fantastic work environment.
